To Fathom Hell or Soar Angelic – Ben Sessa  : Book cover

Commission for Ben Sessa’s latest book ” To Fathom Hell or Soar Angelic ” Title taken from the famous quote by Humphrey Osmond when inventing the term ” psychedelic”.  A novel, it explores the dynamic between 2 psychiatrists , one new-age, one pharmaceutical. They decide to try an experiment when one of them dies, putting his head in a cat scan, & discovering the pineal gland is the portal beyond duality to the universe.   I used the vescia pisces shape to show the two circles of duality creating a portal to oneness. It centres on the pineal gland of the meditating head. Out of this light angels fly up to the heavens on the right , the pattern of the negative space they create is mirrored on the left with dark demons descending down to the left to hell.  They fit into each other perfectly, equal & opposite in their extremity. The centre circle which the central serene figure is entering is actually a cat scan.
